☞The Glory Field☜

The book 'Glory Field' takes place in 1753, through the 1900s. It's about man named MuhammadBalil. He is captured
as a slavefrom Africa and sailed to the USA.
He is sold to the Lewis family.
He works as a salve on the Lewis plantataion called 'Live oaks'.
It tells the life of Muhammad's family up untill the 1900s.
We read about love,pain, and suffering.

Glory field home work

1. Muhammad's last name is bilal.

2. Muhammad came from Sierra Leone on the west coast of Atina.

3.When 1753, Muhammad..?

4.Muhammad was on the slave ship because he was captured in order to be sold in slavery.

5.Muhammad was exhausced after fiting be simba and he was lying down the slave character.

6.The living conditions on the ship are dirty and very smelly human excrement and vomit were littered.

7.The slaves were naked, changed together and were lying on the wooden bay for days on end.They were given gruel to eat once a day and water twice a day.

8.He felt lonelily,scarely.

9.He was wondering if a his family drowed and niamey.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

The glory field!!

this book is story about Muhummad , Louis family and some other black people's life.
When I saw this book first time, I think this book is about war like black people
fight with white people and white people and white people made friend each selfs.
I like this book so much.
My favorite part is Muhummad part. Muhummad is brillant person but some mistake kill his friends.
This book is little funny to read because some joke made me exicting.

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The Glory Field

1864 p. 11-23

The Lewis slaves were made to work on the fields

even though is was Sunday. It was a year ago since

they worked the fields on a Sunday. may Joshua

Lewis, Moses Lewis' brother had run away because he

had heard that his wife, Neela might be sold, and

Lem Lewis, Mose's son, was described by Grandma

Dolly as being like her grandfather Muhummad and

“did things differently”(p.15), and Grandma Dolly

also says, “If you born with a taste for freedom in

your mouth, you got to satisfy it.” Lem had escaped

and run away too.

There were patrollers out looking for Joshua and

Lem. Everybody was wondering what happened to

them. Master Lewis, his family, his overseer Mister

Joe Haynes and his workers, and Moses Lewis, his

family and the other slaves all wondered if they

would be caught.While they were working in the

fields, Moses sees Lem off at a distance because he

starts singing a spiritual referring to the lost lambs,

“The young lambs must find the way...” and

eventually the slaves see what Moses had seen, Lem

being dragged behind a horse.

Saran, Lem's mother, grandma Dolly, Moses and the

other slaves back in their quarters, rely on their faith

and call on God to keep Lem safe.Miss Julia, Master

Lewis' daughter comes to get Lizzy with the excuse

that the kitchen is dirty, in order to manipulate Lizzy

into telling her what she knows about Lem and

Joshua. She acts so high and mighty when she says to

Lizzy that it's thanks to her that Lem is still alive,

“They should hang him from a fruit tree...and they

would have, too, if it hadn't been for me...I told them

not to hang him because I knew you were sweet on


The Glory Field


p. 24-34

Miss Julia and Lizzy drink tea and Miss Julia sweet

talks Lizzy even telling her that one day she is going

to buy Lizzy from her father and set her free so that

they can walk hand and hand in pretty dresses in

Johnson City.

Lizzy is told by Master Lewis to return to the

quarters, and she listens for a minute behind the

door to see if she can hear anything about Joshua

and Lem. When she arrives to the quarters everyone

asks her questions about what she heard. She tells

them that Lem is tied to a tree out in the woods and

tomorrow they are going to talk to the slave trader

Mister Oakes and see if he can sell him to Foster.

Moses doesn't trust Miss Julia and he has no qualms

in telling Lizzy that Miss Julia is just sweet talking

her, and Grandma Dolly says, “And don't think you

overheard nothing they don't want you to know.

Anything you know is what they want you to know so

they can use you.”(p.30)

Everybody in the slave quarters is wondering if

Joshua is going to come back for Lem. Everybody

knows that Joshua knows what tree Lem is tied to

only they don't know if he is going to come back for

him. Moses tells a story of two boys and how they

couldn't take the abuse from the master anymore and

they end up being hung for fighting with a white man.

He tells this story to remind them that Lem and

Joshua are not safe.

We find out how Lizzy came to live with Moses Lewis

and his family. Lizzy's mother died because of all the

hard work in the rice plantations, therefore, Lizzy

came to live with Moses and his family. Lizzy lying in

bed remembers a coachman from Savannah, Georgia

and how fine he looked in his fine clothes and how he

talked about how the white people treat the blacks in

Savannah, and how he doesn't understand why the

blacks aren't just happy with their situation and

should accept it instead of fighting it. He says, “And

be like them folks that call themselves free?...they

ain't doing no kind of good...they were better off

being slaves. Least they had something to eat and

knew how to behave themselves.”(p.33) Moses did

not agree with the coachman from Savannah, and he

shows his repulsion by spitting on the ground and

saying “...a poor excuse for a man...”(p.33)

Lizzy keeps pondering about Lem and turning her

thoughts over and over again about him, and asks

herself if Lem had a freedom dream and that's why he

left. Lizzy wants to go and say bye to Lem and “say

something good to him so he wouldn't feel so all


The Glory Field


p. 35-44

Lizzy was lying down in the cabin when she decides

to go out to see Lem and bring him water. She is

surprised by her Grandma Dolly on the porch. Lizzy

listens to her Grandma's advice that Grandma Dolly's

father told her. “He used to say they keep us in

between the whip and the North Star. One hand holds

out freedom and the other holds out a whip. Long as

we sitting there turning our heads which way and

that...If they can't turn your head, they can't turn you

at all”(p.37). The whites offer the blacks the North

Star in one hand, but have the whip in the other. The

North Star representing freedom and the whip

representing the south and slavery.

Lizzy goes off to see Lem and brings a clay jug of

water with her to give some water to Lem. She is

hesitant about going and at times stops on the way

wondering if she should have brought Lem something

to eat, if he is going to ask her to cut him loose, how

will she find Lem, and if they find her there with him

if she would be whipped? She remembers seeing Bill

being whipped just because Old Master Lewis thought

that Bill was being disrespectful to young Master

Lewis. All that Bill had done really was to drop a bolt

of fabric by mistake in the mud. A small thing made

into a bigger problem for no reason really.

Lizzy finds Lem tied to a tree and his face is swollen

and there was blood on his cheek. She decides to

clean Lem and offer him some water. While Lem was

drinking water all of a sudden Lizzy was whipped by

Mister Joe Haynes! He whipped her three times! Once

across her back, once on her ankles, and once across

her hip even tearing her thin dress. Mister Joe

Haynes accuses Lizzy of trying to free Lem. Mister Joe

Haynes justifies himself with this excuse to whip


While Mister Joe Haynes was occupied by Lem and

Lizzy, and he whipped Lizzy one more time, he did

not see Joshua come through the bushes. “Joshua's

body crashed into the overseer's bent frame and sent

him backwards.”(p.44) Lem urges Lizzy to grab the

rifle that “...still lay across the bush.”(p.44)

The Glory Field


p. 45-51

Joshua gets Mister Joe Haynes pinned to the ground,

and Mister Joe Haynes begs for his life. “...But don't

kill me. I got a wife and family.”(p.46) Lizzy begs

Joshua not to shoot Mister Joe Haynes too. Joshua

says that Lizzy has to run away with them otherwise

Master Lewis will whip, and probably kill her. Lizzy

can't believe that she has to go and won't be able to

see Grandma Dolly or the rest of the family again.

Joshua decides that she can run back to the quarters

to say good-bye, but that she has to hurry. “If you get

back in a short while, I won't kill him...If you don't,

I'm going to have to break his neck...”(47)

Lizzy runs back to the quarters and tells everyone

what happened. Lizzy wished that this would had

never happened. Saran takes Lizzy's face in her

hands and says, “When folks take your freedom, and

the only way for you to get it is to risk dying for it,

then dying comes when it wants to. You go on, you'll

be all right. You young. You got plenty to live

for...”(50) Saran tells Lizzy that Miss Julia came to

get Lizzy to take her back to the big house, but Saran

told Miss Julia that Lizzy was in the field because she

was sick. Saran urges Lizzy to change her dress

because Miss Julia would be back and if Miss Julia

saw her dress she would know that something was

wrong. Every one agrees that Lizzy has to get back to

Joshua and Lem to run away.

Miss Julia comes to the door and wants Lizzy to come

to the big house, but Lizzy pretends that she is sick

and Miss Julia says, "Well you do look a sight"(p.51).

The Glory Field


p. 52-58

Miss Julia wants to bring Lizzy to the big house, but

Lizzy convinces Miss Julia that she will come in the

morning. Everybody at Lizzy's house are frantic

because they know that Lizzy has to get going to meet

Lem and Joshua. Lizzy says her goodbyes to everyone

and Saran says, “If you get caught, act like you ain't

right in the head”(p. ). Saran tells Lizzy not to turn


Lizzy meets up with Joshua and Lem away from the

tree. As they head out Lizzy keeps asking," where are

we going?"(p54) Of course Joshua doesn't really

know where they are going and so is his frustration

Joshua just says , “Just going.”((p.54) Lizzy wonders

if Lem and Joshua killed Mister Joe Haynes and

that's why they were not talking much. Joshua wants

to take them to an abandoned smoke house, but when

they get close they realize that they are not going to

make it to the house so Lem and Lizzy hide up in

some trees. Lizzy was feeling exhilarated at the

thought of herself being free, and she contemplates

these thoughts as she watches some white men out

with children playing in the fields.

Joshua leaves them and Lizzy and Lem sleep in the

trees. Lizzy realizes that something profound has

happened to her...”It was what had happened to her.

She was free. It was a scary free, and it was a hungry

free and a tired free, but it was free.”(p.58)

The Glory Field



Lizzy woke up and all of a sudden remembered where

she was and she felt scared. She couldn't see Lem,

and she heard sounds in the distance that sounded

like booms. She climbs down the tree and Lem calls

out to her. They decide that the sounds must be

coming from the fighting of the civil war, and that

they have to keep moving because Mister Joe Haynes

and the dogs are probably after them.

They hear the dogs drawing closer and closer! They

see some lights and head to the lights running, and

walking when they get too tired. They are afraid

because the riders on horses point in their direction,

and Lizzy and Lem are not sure if they are pointing at

them, but then they realize that they are pointing at

the fires. The riders call off the dogs and the dogs

circle one more time and they ride away. Lem and

Lizzy are relieved and head towards the fires when

someone comes up behind them and they can't

believe their eyes! The soldier is black! “You're

black!” she said. Glad you noticed it,” the soldier

grinned. I had just about forgot it.”(p65)

They find out about the Yankee army and how there

are many black soldiers and how the army is going to

start a black regiment. And they find that Joshua is

at the camp too!! The soldiers feed Lem and Lizzy

and put them to work.

Lizzy has an important decision to make: follow

some people who are trying to escape North, or follow

the regiment and help out...Lizzy “...ran as fast as she

could, her feet slapping against the hard road. When

she got around the bend, the men were still in sight,

tall and proud. She followed them, never looking
